Tuesday, July 17

Day 2 of VBS!

Hey All!

Today was the second day of Vacation Bible School!

Things were a lot more organized today! The only "bad" thing that happened, was somebody took two of our jellyfish! Who would steal jellyfish is beyond me, but I sure hope whoever has them A/enjoys them to the fullest, B/understands if I find them, they will be tortured with Gegorian Chant as well as all my organ jokes...and C/you should consider going to confession for taking something that is not yours! I know we won't find them, and they weren't that expensive, but still! Why do people steal? It leaves a bad impression on the program! Surely the people that took them obviously didn't care about that.  However, we had more expensive things they could have taken...  I had Hannah's CD player stored in there, as well as a few other valuables.  Elieen locked the door, so there shouldn't be anymore worries!

We added a new student...who turned out to have joined because of the VBS parents took a picture of my classroom and shared it with others! Awesome! That added a little chaos into the mix...but I wouldn't have had it any other way!

Today we read the story: "The Rainbow Fish"

After our discussion about how "Rainbow Fish" shared, we made our own rainbow fish! (I'm sorry of this is a "bad angle," but I didn't want the kids' faces posted on my blog!)


The kids took the tissue paper that my friends so kindly sorted out, and glued them on paper plates! Then, we added tin foil to make the glittery scales.  Finally, we added an eye ball. 

Once the kids were all done, then they got to find a special place to put them up! They went crazy for this!

For science, I had 3 centers.  My partners in crime: Marie, Lizzy and Sue (aka my wonderful mother), all took a station more or less.  Lizzy helped out with the sink and float activity.   Saint Norbert taught me well...I was short one Science activity and I pulled this one up withing 7 minutes! Easy to set up, I just walked around grabbing tiny things that would fit in cups of water. 

Next, Marie helped supervise the playdough.  The kids had two colors of play dough: green and blue.  Animals that lived on land were to be made with the green play dough and water animals with the blue play dough.  They loved it! Most of them actually remembered to do it and were able to make connections such as "hey we put that animal on the ark yesterday!" (I didn't take any photos of this--next time I promise!)

Finally, we made doves. 


The kids glued feathers onto an image of the dove.  At first, I was worried the kids wouldn't like it, but they had fun! Many of them loved the big feathers that my mom brought! Of coarse, the end result was flawless!

That's all for now...tomorrow we are learning about the fishermen James and John! I have so much more fun news to share about that once VBS is done! I can't believe that we are 1/2 way through!





  1. OMG I love the fish eating the seahorse, that's hilarious! And the rainbow fish is still one of my all time faves :) Looks like another 10/10 for the day!

  2. TEST TWO!!! - It does say that comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author... so I would say once approved they should appear... not sure though!


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