Monday, July 14

"What's the Best Revenge on Anyone...LOOKING AMAZING!"

Hello Everybody!

Today is a special day: I am officially working on TWO CHALLENGES!

1) The Eating Well Slim Down Challenge

2) BeachBody PiYo Challenge

The EWSDC is pretty self-explanatory.  It's a group of people on FB that are attempting to be 100% clean with their food.  That means no going out to eat, no processed foods and no liquor.  It's a good way to start focusing on what's healthy and what's not healthy to eat.  It's great because with my personal experience I can mentor some while others can mentor me to make better food choices.  I've done it for 12 days now and I'm seeing myself becoming less bloated and less cranky!  No strict regime is needed; just eat clean and focus on making better healthy choices.  I'm loving the accountability!

That's nice Em, but what in the $@#$ is PiYo?

Well, let me tell you!

PiYo is a workout series created by Chalene Johonson, the creator of Turbo Jam.

The goal is to provide people with an "intense-low-impact-body-workout" that produces true results in about 60 days.   This challenge group will do the workouts and exchange words of support and encouragement along the way!

Now I realize the "low" might be a little misguided, but I truly feel "low-impact" means not as much jumping and bouncing.  Believe me, I've been in plenty of classes at the Janesville Athletic Club, Green Bay Y and Jenstar Studio where my entire body was sweating and shaking without high-intense cardio.   Sounds crazy, but believe me, it is possible!  I'm just dreading the AB WORKOUT because I HATE WITH ALL MY HEART AB WORKOUTS...but I need it in order to gain strength with running!

So over the next 60 days I am going to post some feedback about my journey on my BeachBody PiYo Challenge!  Stick around for more fun recipes, workouts and other tips I learn throughout my challenge!

So here I am; ready to show the entire world my "before" photo.  I shouldn't feel so shy about my body, because the thing is super awesome and is going to continue to improve! And besides, if not me, who will do it?

So this is me; before PiYo begins!




I'm so ready to do this!  If you are interested in joining in on the fun, let me know!  It would be great to do the challenge with a friend or a few!


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