Tuesday, June 19

More VBS Planning!

Hey Gang,

The past two days have been HORRIBLE! Our basement flooded! We had about an inch of water in my craft room and a good portion in my mom's area.  I lost some things...photos, scrapbook paper...but the nearest and dearest were the things I made for Holy Family School.  This is sad because I put 8 weeks into those things and now they are gone...in result... my craft room is a MESS!  Today we (aka my mom and I) pulled out all of the carpet.  My wrists hurt like mad, but at least the smelly carpet is gone! For now, everything is up high and away from the ground!

but thankfully... the ark survived!  Here is the finished piece!


Yes the ark...the one for SNC VBS!  Mom and I finished it and put it in the basement for safe keeping! Thank God we had it on the pool table and not on the ground like we originally planned...

We also have been die-cutting like mad! We went through 3 different mats creating fish die-cuts for the VBS program.  Here are some pictures of what we created! All of these fish will be hung up in my classroom.  (We also made some other die-cuts for the main room at OSJ too, but these are specifically mine because I am going to laminate them!) They will be posted on bright blue paper! 

Fish from "Life's a Beach"

a closer look.  To make these, I have to cut the yellow and pink parts by themselves.  Then I have to glue them on! You can see my crappy glue job if you look closely enough.  Don't blame me--blame Michael Weston, as I was watching the best season of Burn Notice on DVD at the time! (BTW-that is Season 5!)

Crabs and Lobsters, from the cartridge "From Ma's Kitchen" 

A sea turtle from "Stretch Your Imagination"

Sea Horses from "Life's a Beach."

The "Jesus Fish" from "The New Testament." Mom added the eyes to them!

Shark from "Life's a Beach."

Fish from "Ocean of Words." (Mom put the eyes on with gems found in the basement! I'm not sure what project Resurrection needed the gems for, but they helped make this fish look AWESOME!)

Mom made these by herself...she blew balloons, did some paper mache and then painted them!  To pop the balloons inside she added feathers, which also serve as nice fins! Add some eyes to the front and you got yourself a pretty sweet looking fish! She's very proud of them! I'm not sure how we are going to hang them up yet, but we shall see!

We have a few more in progress...

The lonely pink one...

I'm going to find a spot to cool off...no AC=hot house:(


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